EBL grosswarmeverbund liestal
location icon Liestal
EBL grosswarmeverbund liestal 1
EBL grosswarmeverbund liestal 2
EBL grosswarmeverbund liestal 3

EBL grosswarmeverbund liestal

location icon Liestal

Since numerous communal woodchip heating plants in the canton of Baselland no longer met the increased ecological and economic requirements, Elektra Basselland (EBL) decided to build a large, central heat generation plant (28 MW) together with the local heating network (Wärmeverbund) in its capital Liestal. Since the owner’s priority was to achieve the most efficient operation possible while maintaining a high degree of automation and the limited space available, EIG CRUSTAG supplied and installed an expansion. (For technical details, see the column on the right.)


DHS-III pump pressure maintenance with 6 x vessels


6 x 5’000l


28 MW


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